Saturday, January 22, 2011


You have been my cause. I'm not dancing around this any more. The very bane of my entire 18 years has been you.Sure, I made bad choices and fucked up a lot but look who raised me. Take a fucking look at yourself you OCD, bastard individual.  Some people have parents abandon them ; I wish you did. 

My eating disorder was your fault. Dieting and calling me fat? How can you not expect that? My self injury? Words hurt, they cut deeper than any blade ever could. Can you blame me for wanting rid of the bad? 

Now after 18 years I resent you. I'm a bitch and an awful person because of you. I tried and you shot back nothing but fucking profanities. I am not the daughter you wanted? You're not the mother I wanted. 

The sooner I leave the sooner this depression can dwindle and pass. 

It's nothing but a sadness, you don't know pain.

Fuck you. I know enough.

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